Student representation and the strengthening of institutional management at University San Gregorio of Portoviejo




Keywords: strategic role, university students, academic training, university management.


University management involves a series of key actors in the decision-making and strategic direction of higher education institutions. One of these actors is student co-government, a fundamental component in many universities that seeks to give voice and representation to students in academic and administrative matters. The main objective of the research is to analyze student participation and representation in academic processes, whose contribution has strengthened the institutional management of University San Gregorio of Portoviejo during the period 2021-2023. The applied methodology had a quantitative-qualitative approach of a descriptive, non-experimental and transversal type. Initially, a survey was carried out with the purpose of determining the main needs of the students in their different academic aspects; the results led to the implementation of certain actions that sought to respond to the identified needs. Additionally, to identify the level of satisfaction with the quality of co-government management, a survey was applied to determine the criteria and opinions of students regarding the performance and influence of student representatives in the institutional management of the University. The results allowed for the consolidation of alliances between other university representatives of the province, better communication with institutional authorities, and student leadership was forged through teamwork, responsibility, loyalty, the sense of belonging and the humanistic quality that characterizes the Gregorians to constitute a reference in higher education.


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How to Cite

Moreira Moreira, E. M. (2024). Student representation and the strengthening of institutional management at University San Gregorio of Portoviejo. Revista San Gregorio, 1(57), 1–23.